About Elaine Cury


Elaine Cury has been giving dog obedience lessons since 1989. For many years she has studied dog behavior and worked with some of the best master trainers in the United States. She uses DOG psychology for dogs and NOT human psychology, which is commonly used. Herein lies her success and growing reputation. She specializes in aggressive dogs and other behavioral problems, something which takes a deep understanding of dog behavior to do successfully in addition to basic dog obedience.


She understands that the psychology between the owner/family is very important to the success of the training. She has trained dogs for hunting and trialing. She is gentle. Like any person of extensive experience in any field, she has a treasure of techniques to help each dog. Each dog is an individual and is treated that way.



Elaine has a Facebook page, Elaine Cury Dog Obedience Chat! It is like a "diary" of her daily lessons where you can see the problems, the dogs and their owners and how the issues were resolved! Join and take a look!

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where all your problem behaviors actually happen 



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