Why DO I Need Obedience For My Dog?

You probably already have found out why! To have a pet that you can really enjoy living with! To help you learn how to communicate with your dog. To show him how you would like him to behave; what you would like your pet to do. Even “old dogs CAN learn new behaviors!”


How Long is Each Lesson?

Each lesson lasts about an hour and 30 minutes. A lot of the time is spent in working with the owner. All particular problems that you and your dog have are addressed. Elaine commonly works with more than one dog in the family to make a harmonious whole. At the end of the lesson, she gives you homework for the next lesson, based on what you did during that lesson. Typically you will see a change in the first 10 minutes she is there!


Will I Have To Have A Class With Lots Of Other Dogs?

NO! Each lesson is private and given in your home, and incidentally, where most of the unwanted behavior takes place. We also can go to a dog park - this way the unwanted behavior can be corrected where it takes place and where your particular concerns can be addressed.


Taking time needed to show you how to handle your dog well is an important part of the training. From the first moment that I walk into your home, I begin to evaluate your dog's temperament, personality, environment and the way that you relate to him. Immediately, I begin to develop a plan that will correct behavioral problems and help prevent future ones. I also like to talk about the food you are feeding him to make sure that it is something wholesome.


Do You Have an Aggressive Dog?

I believe that a dog who is acting aggressively is not necessarily an aggressive dog! By making certain changes in the ways that a person or a family relates to that dog, one can change his behavior completely. Most aggressive behavior can be easily changed with the right training.


Can I Board My Dog With Elaine?

Yes! BUT, I only keep the dogs that I have trained for my clients. They stay in my home, on my sofa! We go to the park, I take them to play with my friends' dogs, and if it is a good idea, we cuddle up in the evening to watch TV together. There is no kennel!

Make an Appointment Today!

Private lessons in your home

where all your problem behaviors actually happen 



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© Elaine Cury Dog Obedience